To play on the words of Shakespeare, "To Be or Not To Be". Many women in ministry struggle with a call to ministry and then they struggle to be accepted. While I was in seminary several women changed churches because their current pastor did not give them the support needed as they pursued their calling. Some of women joined "mega churches" where their gifts were recognized and appreciated.
As I talk with some of my classmates I hear the stories of how their pastor have mentored and opened doors for them. Some have been moved beyond the volunteer position to a paid position in the church and some have been placed into a pastoring position.
However, there is a flip side to all of this. There are ordained women who are still sitting in the second chariot/chair waiting for their pastor to mentor and open the door of opportunity for them. The opportunity to move beyond the volunteer position of the church or to pastor. Some pastor are still reluctant to push their female minister out as they do the males.
As female clergy we have a choice to make when this happens to us. We either leave the church after much prayer and fasting to seek a church that will appreciate and accept the gifts we bring to the ministry. We start our own church if God has called us to pastor. Lastly, leave the denomination and go to a denomination that is more accepting of women clergy.
Many clergy women have been too loyal for too long. Many have endure the abuse of leadership and the constant saying of just keep waiting. Some of us have been waiting for more than 10 years and we are still doing the same thing which have made us lose our flavor.
Maybe today we will honestly say to ourselves ENOUGH! I have not been obedient to the call God has placed on my life. Everything we do just doesn't work any longer. It is our time to take a spiritual inventory and ask the question do we move or do we stay.
This is a place for Ordained and Licensed Clergy Sisters to be real about ministry. An opportunity to express yourself intellectually, while kicking back with your feet propped up and thinking about how God transformed your life for such a time as this.
Praising God

Welcome to SistersNMinistry
We have been called by God, from all walks of life to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in and out of the pulpit. We are apart of God's paradigm shift. A shift that is taking Ministry to a new level because the voices of Women are no longer silent.
We are SistersNMinistry.
We are SistersNMinistry.
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