This is a title of a book written by Cheryl Towsend Gilkes. As a womanist scholar, Dr. Gilkes addresses the Community, Church work, Culture and Crisis of women. Just the title alone will make you want to pick up the book. One Saturday morning a small group of clergy women came together to fellowship and we asked the question where would our community and church be if it wasn't for the Women. Since women make up more than 85% of the congregation why is it we are not shouting that our voices need to be heard from the pulpit other than Mother’s Day and Women’s Day.
Women in ministry is not a new concept but the role for Women in the church have changed from Sunday School Teachers to Pastors. We as women in ministry have several barriers to cross when it comes to pastoring in traditional churches. These barriers are still present in several denominations. As a woman who started ministry in the Baptist denomination I was told on several occasions that it would be impossible to pastor a traditional Baptist church, I need to start my own church or do institutional ministry. I find this offensive when there are vacant churches that need pastor but refuse to give a sista a chance.
It is ironic that women will further their education to be well prepared for leadership but will be passed over for a man with the same or less education. The time has come for us to stop talking about the injustice seen in the pulpit for women and do something about it. There are some men of God who are encouraging the sisters. Also, there are men of God who give lip service just to say they support us. It’s time for us to be heard as well.
This is a place for Ordained and Licensed Clergy Sisters to be real about ministry. An opportunity to express yourself intellectually, while kicking back with your feet propped up and thinking about how God transformed your life for such a time as this.
Praising God

Welcome to SistersNMinistry
We have been called by God, from all walks of life to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in and out of the pulpit. We are apart of God's paradigm shift. A shift that is taking Ministry to a new level because the voices of Women are no longer silent.
We are SistersNMinistry.
We are SistersNMinistry.
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