Praising God

Praising God

Welcome to SistersNMinistry

We have been called by God, from all walks of life to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in and out of the pulpit. We are apart of God's paradigm shift. A shift that is taking Ministry to a new level because the voices of Women are no longer silent.
We are SistersNMinistry.

Monday, October 19, 2020

The latest news for you

Join Us Virtually!
Welcome to On The Move Ministries, LLC

I am in the process of cleaning up my personal email. Since I started my own business, it would be nice to stay connected. So much has happened since I selected not to be reappointed to St. Paul UMC Newton, NC. My love and passion for technology and theology, along with watching people grow and heal, is exciting. As I journey on, I would love to stay in touch with you.

There are three ways to stay connected. You can choose all of them. The first connection is On the Move Ministries; the second is my book launch, Struggling To Be Me; No Longer Silent and Invisible at the Table, and the 3rd way is no action remain on my personal email.
Who is On the Move Ministries?
Before COVID, many faith communities started moving towards online services, ministry, and meetings to communicate beyond the walls of the church. In 2008, Rev. Lettie completed her Master of Science in Information Systems. She wrote a research paper, "The Impact of Technology in a Traditional Church." Now in 2020, COVID-19 made this research a reality. On the Move Ministries will over virtual and individual computer training for the faith community. Since COVID-19, the Semi-Tech Savvy "Seasoned" Saints were without support and others in the disability community.

The website is under construction, but I wanted to get you on the email list. There will be a Year-End Digital Clean up the class in December. Registration and additional class information coming soon.

Book Launch of Struggling To Be Me
This book has been in my head for an extremely long time. Struggling to be me is a series of books about my life through Trauma, Technology, and Theology. The first book in the series is about being Gifted in STEM and called to the Pulpit Ministry.

To learn more about the book, the launch, and the book release, join the book launch list, and additional information will be sent to you.
On The Move Ministries
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