Praising God

Praising God

Welcome to SistersNMinistry

We have been called by God, from all walks of life to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in and out of the pulpit. We are apart of God's paradigm shift. A shift that is taking Ministry to a new level because the voices of Women are no longer silent.
We are SistersNMinistry.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Speaking Engagement Template

Have this ever happened to you?  A person called, e-mail or approached you to speak at a workshop, preaching engagement or presentation and you said yes or let me get back to you.  When you finally remember, you didn't have the information needed, misplaced it or forgot to follow up.  

Well, I have a solution that came via the Reverend Telley Lynnette Gadson.  She shared with me her Speaking Engagement Package.  I asked if I could share and she said yes because someone shared it with her.

With that said, I've modified the template.  It is very generic so you can edit for yourself.  Please share with others in ministry because we don't want to be surprised when we see a flyer announcing our presence at an event.

I separated the package into two parts.  The first part is the Speaking Engagement Covenant and the second part is the Biography and Photo.   This will keep our calendar organized.

Thanks Pastor T!

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