Praising God

Praising God

Welcome to SistersNMinistry

We have been called by God, from all walks of life to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in and out of the pulpit. We are apart of God's paradigm shift. A shift that is taking Ministry to a new level because the voices of Women are no longer silent.
We are SistersNMinistry.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Making an Impact in our Churches

Greetings my sisters,

As I was writing and posting my Bible Study Lesson, I wondered how have our ministry impacted the church as a whole. We know women make up the majority of the church but does it really reflect in the church structure?

Have our lives a women preachers caused changes or things remained the same? If preacher is suppose to bring about change why are so many churches still lagging behind the Great Commission?

What are you going to do to make an impact in your church in 2011 if you haven't done it in 2010?